Check out some of these other sites
These are sites that I have been to ,Hope you enjoy.

I hope this site and the others will help you.If you have a site you would like to have linked, email us
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Favorite Sites
The Calvary Echoes
Check out this site.This group is great and they have some great info on there site
Victory Christian Fellowship
I dont know much about the church, but there is some good people that attend this church.
Jeff Bryant
Bro. Jeff Bryant is a great man of God.Check out his site and listen to a sermon.The bread of life is the food for a starving soul.
Christian Answers
I really like this site.It has alot of good stuff.
A Light House.
This site has some GREAT stuff on it.Be sure to check it out.
I Love the
This site has some beautiful stories on it.Its a very good site for our Lord.You really need to give it a look.
This is the official web site of Jeff Bryant
Listen to a demo of Jeff's song, rescued by a lamb
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